Types of databases

Sharan K
3 min readApr 3, 2023


Types of databases

A database is a collection of organized data that is stored and accessed electronically. It is designed to efficiently manage, store, retrieve, and update large amounts of data, and can be used by individuals, organizations, or businesses for a variety of purposes.

There are several types of database management systems (DBMS), including:

  1. Relational DBMS: These are the most common type of DBMS and store data in tables with a defined structure. Examples include Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server.
  2. Object-oriented DBMS: These store data in objects, which can contain both data and methods. Examples include Versant and ObjectStore.
  3. NoSQL DBMS (non-relational DBMS): These non-relational DBMS store data in a more flexible, unstructured format. Examples include MongoDB and Cassandra.
  4. Document-oriented databases: These databases are designed to store and manage unstructured data in the form of documents, such as JSON or XML files. Examples include MongoDB and CouchDB.
  5. Hierarchical DBMS: These store data in a tree-like structure, each having a parent and child record. Examples include IBM’s Information Management System (IMS).
  6. Network DBMS: These store data in a network-like structure, where records can have multiple parents and children. Examples include Integrated Data Store (IDS) and Integrated Database Management System (IDMS).
  7. Graph DBMS: These store data as nodes and edges, allowing complex relationships to be easily modeled and queried. Examples include Neo4j and OrientDB.
  8. Object-relational DBMS: These combine the features of both object-oriented and relational DBMS. They allow the creation of complex data types, and support object-oriented programming concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism, while also supporting traditional relational database concepts such as tables and SQL. Examples include PostgreSQL and Oracle Database.
  9. In-memory DBMS: These store data in memory rather than on disk, which can lead to faster processing times. They are often used for real-time applications that require high-speed data processing. Examples include Redis and Apache Ignite.
  10. Key-value databases: These databases store data as key-value pairs, making them ideal for storing large amounts of data that can be accessed quickly by a unique identifier or key. Examples include Redis and Riak.
  11. Time-series DBMS: These are optimized for storing and retrieving data that is time-stamped or time-series data. They are often used for storing data from IoT devices, financial markets, and sensor networks. Examples include InfluxDB and TimescaleDB.
  12. Column-family databases: These databases store data in columns rather than rows, which allows for efficient storage and retrieval of large amounts of data. Examples include Apache Cassandra and HBase.
  13. Spatial databases: These databases are designed to store and manage spatial data, such as geographic information systems (GIS) data and maps. Examples include PostGIS and Oracle Spatial.
  14. Cloud DBMS: These are DBMS that are hosted on a cloud infrastructure, allowing for easy scalability and accessibility from anywhere. Examples include Amazon Web Services (AWS) DynamoDB and Google Cloud Spanner.
Types of databases

Each type of DBMS has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which type to use depends on the specific needs of the application or organization.

